Rejection Reason #3 Happy October, aka the beginning of year-end festivities and desserts galore! One thing I love about Fall is you can find anything in the color orange. I have a loony story about this that few can top but let us keep it for another time. 😉 When you […]
New Series INTRO! Friend, I am excited to share that today, we will begin a new series titled Why People Say No! The idea for this series sprouted while exploring the concept of rejection. As we have all experienced when we hear no, we sense and feel the sting of rejection. And when […]
To take hold of rejection, we must consider others and live purposefully. Last time, we explored a common and dreaded fear and feeling: Rejection – The Fear of Rejection – BLOG – Today, let us go beneath the surface to determine what enables us to untangle ourselves from its web. […]
The fear of rejection is born of a thought that gives rise to a feeling. It becomes a potent force when we act on it. Last week, we explored a highly relevant topic: loneliness! You may check it out here: It is not about you! – BLOG – Logically, we cannot […]
It is not about you! Many of us might have heard these words spoken to us, or we might have said them to another. When these words are spoken to us, our thoughts might skirt between two extremes. First thought: How dare you say that to me? Do you know how much […]