February 10, 2025
What is winning? Crushing opposing teams in a Scrabble tournament! Landing our dream job! Witnessing our favorite teams bring home the 2025 Super Bowl or the 2026 FIFA World Cup! These are all winning moments when others laud us, and we bask in the glory of our achievement. However, what it means
February 3, 2025
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. – Seneca Perplexingly to some, I do not fear death, as I mentioned last week in How Fear Lost its Grip! Many are surprised by this admission because death signifies finality to them. However, to me, death and finality are not
January 27, 2025
I have several fears: tight spaces, four-legged creatures, and mermaids, to name a few! Admittedly, I have never seen or interacted with a mermaid and cannot prove they exist. Many consider this fear grossly irrational. But to me, it is not! Herein lies the mystery of fears: Fears are unquestionably
January 20, 2025
We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope. – Martin Luther King Jr. Relationships either infuse hope or deplete hope. Bar none, the relationship I value most is with my Creator. Unsurprisingly, it is also the relationship I have worked hardest to cultivate. My awareness of His existence
January 13, 2025
“I am afraid to grow old alone.” Not too long ago, a dear friend abruptly said this to me during a conversation. Instantly, I understood why they said it! The loss of both beloved parents and the end of a marriage would do that to anyone. Nonetheless, the raw admission