Aké Satia is the Chief Vision Officer at Aké Satia, a Human Capital firm in the DC area focused on strengthening organizations by bolstering the intersection of people strategy and business strategy.



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The Key to Thriving.

The Thriving Essentials Series: Episode 13 Over several weeks, we have been on a journey to uncover and discover what enables one to thrive or to grow and flourish. It has been a worthwhile exploration, but the reality is that we can labor tirelessly to cultivate great qualities like trust, […]

When we Thrive

The Thriving Essentials Series: Episode 6   Life has a peculiar way of bringing us to our knees, but we know the value of being hopeful! – We have devastating experiences yet hang onto optimism. We make sacrifices and faithfully meet the needs of others, even when it sucks the […]

Building Healthy Boundaries

The Thriving Essentials Series: Episode 5 Healthy boundaries help cultivate meaningful relationships, and meaningful relationships are vital for thriving. Last week, we began exploring a vital topic: boundaries. Nowadays, boundaries are a common word and effusive thing most of us think is a good idea to have. But have you […]


The Mindset Series: Episode 10 As you can infer from the image above, goodness and chocolate are synonyms – in my world. And I know I am not alone! But let us revisit that after supper 😉 Over the last couple of weeks, exploring the realms of faithfulness and self-control […]

The Silent Power!

The Mindset Series: Episode 9   Yell or Listen? Deflate or Encourage? React or Respond? As you read the questions above, you may think it is the start of a riddle, and believing you have supreme mastery over your will, say: Aké, look no further! I am the answer to […]