Aké Satia is the Chief Vision Officer at Aké Satia, a Human Capital firm in the DC area focused on strengthening organizations by bolstering the intersection of people strategy and business strategy.



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The Cycle of Giving

The Hidden Figures Series – Episode 5

A week ago, I walked into the gym at 5:03 A.M. In the parking lot, my hands and legs felt like glaciers! Therefore, I was thrilled when I made it into the warm building. Once there, one of my favorite people at the gym – the forever-smiling and energetic receptionist greeted me! She is a young lady in her early thirties who loves international travel and volunteering. In other words, she is a giver with an adventurous spirit. But what I enjoy most about her is she finds humor in everything, including the inconsequential and mundane. Therefore, we laugh – a lot! And that Monday morning was no different.


An extra cheery morning

When I walked in, she eagerly asked me how my weekend was. I responded: it was great! My nephew came home for winter break, and I was delighted to see him. Every month that passes, and I do not see him, seems like a year because he is growing rapidly physically and mentally! Nowadays, when I see him, I need to store the memory as a keepsake because he will be remarkably different the next time we meet. To keep up with the evolution, I need to let go of what was and make room for what is yet to come! She smiled and proceeded to ask some follow-up questions. But given her extra cheery facial expression, I could tell she was eager to share something!

Out of curiosity and to get her out of her misery, I quickly asked, how about you? Immediately, she perked up in her swivel chair and said, I had the best weekend! My roommate had an extra ticket to a murder mystery dinner, and she gave it to me. We went to the dinner, and I was the big winner! I got a cool Apple watch. Also, I rarely win anything. But when I do, I win something good. Then she added: my parents will give me an Apple watch for Christmas. Therefore, I’ll have two. As my roommate would like one also, I will give the one I won to her.


Giving: A quintessential quality

Immediately, I saw her differently and expressed what I perceived! I said, Wow! What a kind gesture! You are a giver! I bet your roommate is super grateful! She responded: She is thrilled, and I appreciate her inviting me to the event.
This unveils an insight: The cycle of giving!
Giving is a quintessential quality of a hidden figure – not giving to get. But giving because you want to share – with no expectation. Unfailingly, a giver receives – when and how the cycle will turn, we do not know. But surely, sooner or later, it will come to be.

Friend, beyond this festive season and into 2025, may we keep the cycle of giving going by giving freely and receiving graciously.

Until next time!

For you and to you,



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