Aké Satia is the Chief Vision Officer at Aké Satia, a Human Capital firm in the DC area focused on strengthening organizations by bolstering the intersection of people strategy and business strategy.



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How fear lost its grip!

I have several fears: tight spaces, four-legged creatures, and mermaids, to name a few! Admittedly, I have never seen or interacted with a mermaid and cannot prove they exist. Many consider this fear grossly irrational. But to me, it is not! Herein lies the mystery of fears: Fears are unquestionably […]


“I am afraid to grow old alone.” Not too long ago, a dear friend abruptly said this to me during a conversation. Instantly, I understood why they said it! The loss of both beloved parents and the end of a marriage would do that to anyone. Nonetheless, the raw admission […]