Aké Satia is the Chief Vision Officer at Aké Satia, a Human Capital firm in the DC area focused on strengthening organizations by bolstering the intersection of people strategy and business strategy.



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Opportunities in Endings

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.
– Seneca

Perplexingly to some, I do not fear death, as I mentioned last week in How Fear Lost its Grip! Many are surprised by this admission because death signifies finality to them. However, to me, death and finality are not synonymous. Death is an ending – the end of a stage – the end of life on earth. Therefore, as I see it, my opportunity is to end well. To lead a life where I do not regret the outcome of my existence.

My comfort with death stems from knowing that endings are necessary in the cycle of life. Throughout our lives, we experience many endings and celebrate them―especially when we have a say in the matter. When kids finish high school, they celebrate graduation. When professionals complete a certification, they go to happy hour! When a romantic couple closes their singlehood chapter, they have a wedding bash. Sometimes, during these festive moments, we might experience mixed emotions because it is hard to say goodbye. But the experience reveals the need for endings. Endings are vital for the continuation of life. Beginnings precede endings, and endings follow beginnings. All would lead one to ask, could it be that endings are the doorway to opportunity?


Seeing opportunities

An end makes room for something new – for a new beginning. An opportunity!
In the Cambridge dictionary, opportunity is an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something you want or have to do. Realizing our dreams often stands at the intersection of circumstance and opportunity. – The space where we can access what we cannot fully control. Circumstances like time are not entirely in our control. But opportunities are ours to pursue if we see them.

Some say opportunity knocks. I believe opportunity presents itself, and it is up to us to see and seize it. Fortunately, developing the ability to see opportunities is often well within our control. A farmer builds the ability to tell the weather by looking at the sky. We can also cultivate the ability to see opportunities by looking ahead and outside of our realm of control. To start, we must ask ourselves: what do I see?


What do we see?

Here is what I see! I see an ultimate opportunity to lead a life where I do not regret the outcome of my existence. To do so, I must offer the best I can give: Remember those who were here before and remain mindful of those who are here now and will come after.

Fellow explorer, what worthwhile opportunities do you see ahead of you? Befriend the new neighbor? Rather than waiting to be invited to the meeting, perhaps ask to attend? Resist imagining failure and anticipate success? In 2025 and beyond, rather than leave life to chance and see what happens, may we live life by seeking, seeing, and seizing opportunities.

Until next time!

For you and to you,


Image credit: Pexels | RDNE Stock project



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