Aké Satia is the Chief Vision Officer at Aké Satia, a Human Capital firm in the DC area focused on strengthening organizations by bolstering the intersection of people strategy and business strategy.



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A Leader’s Role In Helping Others Overcome Adversity

Leaders play a pivotal role in the lives of others personally and professionally. – Leaders commend us for key accomplishments by sharing encouraging words. And they offer support when we have bad days, like when a presentation goes sideways. Or when we cannot make it into the office due to […]

Collaborating and Defusing. It starts with a choice.

Throughout the day, at home and work, we all face situations that can leave us disillusioned. And, in those moments, we all wrestle with a defining question! How will I respond? And how we choose to respond can significantly impact our relationships. A couple of weeks ago, during a discussion with […]

Heroes and Zeroes

When you hear the word: hero, who comes to mind? Indiana Jones? Captain Marvel? Joan of Arc? And, when you hear the word: zero, do you think of a specific person, or do you think of a situation? Perhaps a time when you failed to execute a task? Or cringey memories of […]

Delivering Bad News!

One of the greatest privileges afforded to humans is the opportunity to influence. – To impact the way someone feels or thinks to the extent that they choose to listen to us and do what we suggest. When many of us think of people who have influenced us, we might […]