The Mindset Series: Episode 4 Gentleness is the mildness of action and the quality of being kind. Fundamentally, gentleness is a mindset and an expression of an emotional state. Have you ever done something you are not proud of? Yelled at a colleague in a meeting, forcefully seized an item […]
Rejection Reason #3 Happy October, aka the beginning of year-end festivities and desserts galore! One thing I love about Fall is you can find anything in the color orange. I have a loony story about this that few can top but let us keep it for another time. 😉 When you […]
Rejection Reason #1 This week, in the United States, we will welcome the Fall season, when leaves change color, temperatures grow colder, and daylight gets shorter. As we prepare for the climatic change, it is beneficial to strengthen ourselves by expanding and enriching our minds. Therefore, as I shared last […]
Some of us put our trust in others. Is it a wise decision? Over the last few weeks, I shared stories and learnings from my sabbatical earlier in the year. Notably, the lesson I valued most during the experience was learning more about where I come from by connecting with […]