The Hidden Figures Series – Episode 4 Today, I am thrilled to write a reflection about a person I love and value tremendously. And that is none other than my teenage niece! My sister often tells me I love my niece, i.e., her daughter, so much because I see my […]
The Life Puzzles Series: Piece 11 The end-of-year festive season of immoderation is around the corner – already! Can you believe it? I can’t! This one crept up! 😉 In anticipation of the season of overindulgence, this is an appropriate time to discuss a whirly subject that impacts all. To […]
Taking accountability is a choice. Others empower it. Last week, we began exploring the oft-discussed topic of accountability! We all desire to see others take ownership and responsibility, especially when their words, actions, or inaction have offended us. But it is not always easy to do so. Sure, you have […]
Welcome to July! We are a little over a week into the summer season, and there is much to celebrate! – School is out, the sun is shining, and the outdoor pools are open! But the prime reason for celebration is none of the above. The foremost reason for jubilation […]